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Deposit device


The optional LBE150 deposit device is available for all Wertheim freestanding safes with resistance grades I, II, and III. This practical enhancement provides a secure and efficient way to deposit valuables or documents quickly. The choice of the appropriate deposit safe depends on the required security grade and the volume of items to be deposited.

Important Note: Deposit safes equipped with the LBE150 deposit device are certified to the VSÖ security standard (Austria). All other certifications will no longer apply.

Advantages at a glance:

  • Secure Deposit: Items are inserted through the deposit flap
  • Anti-Fish Mechanism: A return lock prevents unauthorized retrieval.
  • Access Control: Deposited items can only be accessed by authorized personnel.
  • Ideal if several people are to deposit valuables (e.g. petrol stations, retail, etc.)
LBE150 AM25 1 scaled

Product information

LBE150 deposit device

Solid steel construction with retraction lock
Weight approx. 28kg

Insertion position
freely selectable (front, rear,
protruding at the rear, or on request)

Height 175 mm
When ordering safes with LBE150, the total height must be
175 mm must be added to the total height

Paint finish
identical to safe
Optional: special paint finish according to RAL

Cylinder lock with 5 keys
Optional: additional keys as required

flexible envelopes max. DIN A4,
max. 15 mm thick or cassettes with max. size 240 x 180 x 60 mm

optional: throw-in bag

Einwurftasche Zipp bag

AL10 LBE 2

Fig. AL10 with deposit device LBE150

Are you interested? Make an appointment for a consultation!
Get in touch with us, we look forward to hearing from you! Our team will also be happy to call you back on request.